Flora & Max

I feel like the lovely Charlotte’s been in the hot seat for the last few days, so today’s doodle focuses on Flora Mouse and Max, and their swell but unusual friendship.

Max the Cat and Flora Mouse Being WatchedAfter making the above doodle for Dad, I thought I’d flesh out Max and Flora’s backstory with a few looser scribbles, explaining how they met…

Max the Cat and Flora Mouse

For starters, Max is the only one of Flora’s male friends willing to watch Twilight, which is her favorite film. (So, duh, of course she loves him.)

Max and Flora watch the film Twilight

Max and Flora in Biology classInterestingly, Flora and Twilight’s Bella have a few things in common. For starters, they both met their new interspecies pal in Biology class, while teamed up as lab partners.

Soon afterwards, both were dramatically rescued in their schools’ parking lots by their new BFFs, thereby cementing the bond.

Max Saves Flora Mouse


Max and Flora discussing food

There’ve been a few hurdles to overcome, of course, but nothing Max and Flora couldn’t handle; the cartoon Max, like his real-life counterpart, is simply not a “mouser,” and that’s huge.

So here’s to Max and Flora, and to many happy adventures ahead. Stay tuned…

About Jean Tuttle

Jean Tuttle is a Chicago-area illustrator, designer, and doodler.
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