Charlotte in Paradise

Countdown to Paradise

Nah, I’m not headed for Paradise—at least not anytime soon. Charlotte’s already there though, vacationing with Dad in Jamaica. The above doodle is from a few days before they left. We were all real happy for Charlotte, getting to escape from wintry Chicagoland for a couple of weeks. But towards the end, her daily countdown (and constant swimsuit modeling) was getting on everyone’s nerves.

At one point, Blackie had really hoped he might join them—if nothing else, to keep an eye on his (unrequited) sweetie as she strolled the beach in her pretty outfits. Here’s a doodle  I left on Dad’s breakfast table in mid-January, showing the lengths (literally, via hair extensions) that he was willing to go to secure an invitation (which Charlotte put the kibbosh on right away, of course).

Rasta Cat

Speaking of breakfast table doodles, since Dad wouldn’t be here to collect his for a while (and knowing I’d never get it together to post one daily, like I did last year when he was in Mexico), I put together 2 weeks’ worth of quick scribbles for him to take along, the morning he left. (I scanned them all in case, God forbid, his luggage got lost.) So here’s a recap of the ones he’s opened so far—no spoilers, Dad!—just for fun.

Day 1 Doodle
Day 2 Doodle
Doodle Day 3
Day 4 Doodle
Day 5 Doodle
Day 6 Doodle

Day 7 DoodleDay 8 Doodle

But the visuals haven’t just been “one way”—Dad just sent me this wonderful photo from the place where they’ve been staying, as well as permission to “retouch as I see fit.” (Uh-oh!)

Looks like they’re having a wonderful time, wouldn’t you say?

Charlotte and James in Jamaica

Happy Day #8 in Paradise, Dad! And for those of us not currently stationed in Paradise, Happy Tuesday night, and stay warm, everyone!

About Jean Tuttle

Jean Tuttle is a Chicago-area illustrator, designer, and doodler.
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4 Responses to Charlotte in Paradise

  1. Susan says:

    Love this Jean. Great snow effect too. Your dad knows how to have a good time!

  2. jean these are WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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