
Scary WalkCharlotte is still being good about sticking to her diet, but hasn’t been as vigilant about getting in her evening walks of late. So when she and Daisy Mouse finally did head out for some exercise last night, after several weeks off, it came as a bit of a shock—not just how hard it is to get moving again, but also how dark it’s become, right after dinner.

Besides being pitch black, the neighborhood has been all decked out in fairly frightening Halloween finery since Charlotte last saw it—making for a bit of a nervous viewing experience, I think. (She and Daisy were home in record time.)

Halloween Joust Blown CoverBut while Charlotte’s cast her vote for “no more evening power walks,” the rest of us are getting ready to cast our own votes on a matter of a bit more importance, eh?

With the 2012 presidential election happening so soon after Halloween, some of us who entered the current Blown Covers Contest took the suggestion to try combining the two themes—Halloween & the election—in one or more of our sketches. Just for fun, here’s mine.

I figured that no matter which candidate you are rooting for, the economy is a huge issue and concern, is it not? So I drew an alarmed (and alarming) green ghost, meant to suggest the “dead” dollar, anxiously observing the two candidates-as-jousters.

And while we’ll all have to wait for the results of that contest, the Halloween Blown Covers Contest results are already in progress. You can browse through (and comment on) all 104 drawings in the slush pile—some political, some not—plus admire the Runners-up revealed so far (including a wonderful Halloween cat by my colleague Kim Murton). More Runners-up will be posted every day on the Blown Covers site, through October 19th, when the Halloween-themed winner will be revealed. So, lots more eye candy ahead!

—And more doodles from me, soon. 🙂

Thanks, as always, for stopping by The (Not Quite) Daily Cat Doodle, and have a great Monday!

Posted in Halloween | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Blackie’s Night Out

From the Desk of BlackieIt’s gotten chillier with the arrival of fall, but that hasn’t stopped Blackie from taking the occasional (unauthorized) excursion over the patio fence — especially when there’s been the promise of a good meal on the other side.

The other day, for instance, when I wandered into the kitchen to pop open a can of Fancy Feast, I found this note. (Blackie probably realized I’d worry if I didn’t hear the thunder of cat paws as soon as his replenished dish hit the floor, and he was right.)

But when Charlotte saw the note, I think she started worrying: Mrs. Jones is not only a great cook, but a pretty kitty with a cute figure and long eyelashes. And while Charlotte prefers to keep the worshipful Blackie at a distance, she also doesn’t like competition.

Blackie and Mrs. Jones

(Yes, Blackie eventually came home, and no, Charlotte hasn’t been any nicer to him since.)

Speaking of fall, and also of competition (nice segue, eh?), I thought I’d share a new fall illustration I created for last month’s Blown Covers Contest.

Autumn Cover by Jean Tuttle

The theme was “Autumn,” and this was the first time mine was the winning entry — a big surprise and nice compliment (especially considering how much I liked so many of the other submissions). Lest it go to my head, however, Charlotte let me know that she hated the way my drawing “glorified squirrels,” as she put it. Oh well!

In other news, I recently finished redesigning my illustration website, adding a number of new images in the process, as well as an updated gallery of cat and mouse cartoons (my favorites from this blog), and a gallery containing the other (30) Blown Contest Covers that I’ve created over the past 6 months or so, just for fun. Some of these are sketches, some are more finished, but they’ve all been a nice opportunity to do some personal work that isn’t a cat doodle, to experiment and try out some new ideas. (I’ll be sharing my submissions for the current contest theme, Halloween, real soon. Stay tuned.)

Jean Tuttle Studio Website RedesignMeanwhile, I hope everyone has been having a really good week — nearly over, folks! —and is enjoying the beautiful (albeit also “nearly over”) fall color…as well as some fun fall excursions of your own. Happy Thursday!

Posted in Cats Night Out | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Dinner Date

This past Saturday Dad and I had the good fortune of being invited to a friend’s house in Chicago for a lovely French repast. However, we didn’t realize until we had driven most of the way there that we had two stowaways aboard!

What choice did we have at that point, but to cross our fingers and hope that Maryanne’s hospitality might extend to Charlotte and Daisy Mouse as well? —Which of course it did.

Bonsoir Charlotte
Appetizers at Maryanne's

As for our girl Charlotte, she was the very model of a perfect guest all evening long. And while her favorite dish was most likely the trout appetizer, she threw herself (literally) into everything Maryanne served with equal gusto: the figs stuffed with goat cheese, Daube de BoeufGratin Dauphinois, herb salad, and warm chocolate gourmandise. (Leaving nothing behind but the faint trail of a tiny cat tongue on otherwise pristine china, all shiny and ready to put back in the cupboard—just like at home!)

After this big, beautiful meal, while the rest of us visited, Charlotte made herself even more comfortable, wandering off in search of milady’s bedchamber, so she might take a wee nap.

Milady's Bedchamber

I found out later that Charlotte had gotten so comfortable in there, and had grown so fond of Maryanne (and her cooking) over the course of the evening, that for a while it seemed likely that we would be “one less passenger” on the drive home. But in the end, Daisy Mouse prevailed, reminding Charlotte that she lives to torture Max, and that Max lives at our house. And so the four of us made our way back to Chez Tuttle—happy, full, and just a tiny bit fatter.

Dear Maryanne, many thanks from Dad, Charlotte, Daisy and me, for your warm hospitality, the delicious meal, and the wonderful conversation. (Not to mention, the best and funniest Julia Child story I’ve ever heard.) We all had a marvelous time!

To my Cat Doodle friends, I hope you’re all doing great, and have been enjoying some delicious adventures of your own since we last visited. Have an excellent Tuesday, and see you on here again real soon!

P.S. Thanks once again to Karen at The Graphics Fairy for several bits of scanned ephemera used in the drawings for today’s post.

Posted in Cats Night Out | Tagged , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Back from Boston

In the end, the elegant outfit Charlotte had ordered for our friends’ Boston wedding last weekend did not get delivered in time, so she was forced to make the trip sans chapeau. It all worked out fine in the end, though, as within minutes of meeting the lovely (and accommodating) bride, Charlotte’s little cat head was swathed in exquisite Chantilly lace. (Which it has been, on and off, ever since.)

Home From The Wedding

The whole trip was great! Not only did I get to see two old friends tie the knot, but I also got to mingle with our mutual pals, the fabulous Boston-area illustrators whom I do not get to see too often, now that I live in the Midwest.

On a bit of a whim, the bunch of us collaborated on a hush-hush secret project for the bride and groom—a wedding banner that spelled out their names, one artist to a letter. (Thank God all the letters got claimed, leaving me with the comparatively easy job of playing art director.) All the finished artwork was sent to me ahead of time, so I could add the finishing touches—a decorative paper backing and a dangling charm to each piece—and then string them together on a silver cord.

Wedding Banner for Alan and Diana

While each and every one of these was a little masterpiece, I’m going to attach enlargements of just the first two, so you can see the kind of detail that was typical throughout. (The finished pieces were about 6 inches square.)

“D for Diana” was created by Elizabeth Traynor, who cleverly incorporated Dianthus blossoms (AKA “pinks”), to echo the bride’s name. (Lovely work, as always, Ms. Traynor!)

D for Diana by Elizabeth Traynor

Robert Saunders kindly allowed me to adapt an image from his rights-managed stock art collection for the letter “i.” (You can see how for this one, the charm was a tiny engagement ring. Amazing what one can find at Hobby Lobby, isn’t it?)

Stock Image of Wedding RIng by Robert Saunders

Speaking of Rob, it was his birthday recently, and since I didn’t get a chance to post it at the time (except on Facebook), here’s the cat doodle that marked the occasion.

Happy Birthday RobBlackie and Charlotte are doing their best here to jazz up the traditional Happy Birthday song, in honor of Rob’s musical contributions to the acoustic gypsy jazz quartet, Sinti Rhythm.

Connecticut Bound

The day after the wedding, Charlotte, Daisy, and I drove down to visit with two of my favorite Nutmegger illustrators, Cora Lynn Deibler (author of an improbably charming graphic novel about another Deibler, Anatole, the last public executioner of France), and Patti Argoff, a gifted children’s book illustrator (whom I like to tease about being the most steadily-employed artist I know—since she is). While in Connecticut, we were hosted overnight by some canine friends, Sammy, Roosevelt and Calvin, who graciously gave Miss Charlotte (and me) their undivided attention—especially over breakfast the next morning. (Daisy Mouse hid in my purse until we left.)

Breakfast  with Roosevelt, Calvin, and Sammy

Gayle Kabaker and Jean Tuttle

Gayle Kabaker (left), Jean Tuttle

Before flying out of Boston the next day, I made a detour through Northampton, MA, for lunch with one more illustrator friend, the fabulously creative and talented Gayle Kabaker. (Gayle, thanks again for making the time, and the trek: So wonderful to see you, and to get to talk shop face-to-face for a change!)

All in all, it was a super trip—lots of fun, great memories and inspiration, all packed into a few short days. (And of course, for Charlotte, there was that pretty new veil!)

I hope all of you had a wonderful Labor Day last Monday, wherever and however you spent it, and are enjoying a relaxing Sunday today. Have a great week ahead, and see you on here again real soon!

Special Note

—“Soon” meaning, “in about a week.” Yes, the Daily Cat Doodle indeed continues to be a daily thing—for Dad, anyway, in scribble form, on our breakfast table. But putting together actual Cat Doodle posts has had to become a more occasional enterprise for me (as I’m sure most of my subscribers have noticed!).

I may slip in some of those looser “Dad doodles” though, now and then, in briefer, more informal posts. Just for fun. —And because there is a huge, enormous pile of them, that I have no clue what else to do with! 😉

Meanwhile, here’s a parting “Dad doodle,” from right before my trip…one more view of that lovely wedding banner. (Thanks again to all the amazing artists who took part: Elizabeth, Rob S., Scott, Kristina, James K., James S., Rich, Leo, Rob D., Tamar, and Jim.)

Doodle for Dad

Take care, everyone, and, as always, many thanks for stopping by!

Posted in Artistic Endeavors | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

Wedding Belles

The exciting news since my last post is that Charlotte and I are heading out of town this coming weekend to attend a small wedding. The not-so-thrilling news is that having overindulged at Flora Mouse’s recent cheese party extravaganza, we are both on no-nonsense diets, to ensure that we can frolic in our frocks without splitting a seam.

Charlotte's New DietCharlotte’s dress is one she snapped up while shopping with her assistant Daisy Mouse this past Saturday. It’s truly lovely, if a tad snug. And it coordinates beautifully with a show-stopping new hat with a special holder on top where she can stash a high-protein snack. —Which Charlotte is definitely going to need after dieting all week!

The only remaining concern might be, will she be overdressed? (Though when one stops to consider that a cat wearing any costume at all is likely to raise a few eyebrows at a wedding, I guess whatever she has her heart set on wearing will be just fine!)

Charlotte, Wedding BellePlease wish us luck, not just with our healthy new eating habits, but with all the other things we both need to attend to before escaping out of town.

And the same to all of you! I hope today finds you refreshed and relaxed after a pleasant weekend, with lots of good energy stored up for whatever special projects (or fun diversions) you have scheduled for this week.

Happy Monday, everyone!

Posted in Charlotte Fashions | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Tempus Fugit

Mid-August Nightmare

I know how Charlotte feels: It seems like just yesterday that we were planning our Fourth of July picnic, and here we are, galloping towards Labor Day at a breakneck pace. (Is it just me, or does it feel that way to everyone else, too?)

It seems like just yesterday, for instance, that I posted my last cat doodle, although once I looked it up I realized it had been a full 2 weeks!

Since then, a number of you have written in to kindly inquire after Miss Flora Mouse. I’m happy to report that she is much, much better than last time I posted. The household banded together to throw her a little cheese party to cheer her up, and it definitely did the trick!

Cheese Party

I hope life has been on the upswing for y’all, too, and that you’ve been savoring these last few weeks of summer—and maybe some fine cheese, as well. Have a great Tuesday, and see you on here again real soon!

Posted in Charlotte | Tagged , , , , , , | 10 Comments

RIP Robsten

Poor Flora Mouse. As you may know already from a previous post, Flora loves Twilight. The series (book + film) is about a human girl who, against better judgment, falls crazy in love with a vampire. Meanwhile, Flora’s a mouse in love with a cat (Max). So you can kind of see why the story, with its theme of interspecies love, speaks to her.

Flora Mourns Robsten

And so she’s been taking the reported demise of Robsten (Robert Pattinson + Kristen Stewart, the real-life couple who play the couple in the film) pretty hard. We keep trying to reassure her that whatever private difficulties the actors may be having (due to the release of photos of Stewart kissing someone else), it has no impact on Bella & Edward (the characters they play), or on their eternal love story. As of now, Flora‘s having none of it. For her, and for many other young mice & Twilight fans, Robsten = Twilight.

I know that Flora will be OK. And even though I don’t know her personally, I hope Kristen Stewart will be, too. Yes, I know other parties are likely smarting as well, but public reaction has been particularly harsh towards her, and her alone. —Including (unbelievably) death threats on Twitter from Twilight fans who prefer her (now ex-?) beau. Meanwhile, I’m a fan of Stewart’s acting, especially her extensive work in indie films, and would like her to be free to do more of it, unfettered by what she herself swiftly acknowledged was a terrible lapse in judgment. So I would join Conan O’Brien’s Angry Mutant Ape in saying, hey, just leave the girl alone, already!

I have to say, as an aside, I love Conan. He’s a classy guy not to kick Stewart when she’s down, which is kind of what late night comedians are expected to do when celebrities err. —Though, interestingly, most have taken the high road on this one—unlike the news media—many not mentioning it at all. Conan’s sole Tweet on the matter poked very gentle fun at the “big news” this is, and the young adult fan base that is taking it so hard, while leaving Stewart completely out of it: “The only way this could be worse is if Hermione cheated on Ron with Peeta.”

(If you are not familiar with those other YA franchises, Harry Potter and The Hunger Games, that joke won’t make sense, but trust me, it’s very funny.)

And I would wish well to the other parties involved, of course—Pattinson, and the director’s wife and kids. The director himself? —The 41-year-old Rupert Sanders, who had recently been her employer? Between sobs, Flora has said that he’s a “rat fink.” That sounds a little harsh to me, but then she’s likely a little cheese-deprived. I’m going to go out now and buy a nice Baby Gouda, see if we can coax Flora out of her mouse hole and cheer her up. And then maybe I’ll try and have a heart-to-heart with her about how all this stuff is really not our business to judge, as tempting as it may be.

We’ll see. I just started a cheese-free diet myself, so I’m not sure I’m in the mood to let that older, married-with-kids, director dude off the hook so easily.

Regardless, I’ll sign off for now with an illustration created a few years back for the release of Twilight Eclipse, the second movie in the franchise.

Twilight Eclipse illustration by Jean Tuttle with Taylor Lautner, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson
In this installment, Bella is torn between the steady, devoted Edward she adores and rude, reckless, buff Jacob, whom she has some feelings for, and who wants to steal her away. At one point, in a moment of crisis and confusion, Bella kisses Jacob. She immediately repents, and Edward forgives her on the spot.

In addition to improbably understanding vampires, the plot includes dangerous shape-shifting werewolves—but they don’t carry cameras, and just stalk vampires, not 22-year-old women. Life doesn’t always imitate Art—or Twilight—alas.

Take care, everyone, and have a good Sunday evening, and a happy Monday, too. Enjoy the Olympics, and this lovely cooler weather we’ve been having, too. See you all soon!

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Midsummer Night’s Dream for Hannah

I mean, I must be dreaming, right? How else could my niece be a sweet baby one minute, a darling girl the next, and then suddenly, a newly minted 20 year old—in college, with a job, a driver’s license, and an apartment?

Happy Birthday Hannah!

Happy Twentieth Birthday, dear Hannah! As you can see, no matter how old, poised, accomplished and wise you become, your nutty auntie still sees you in her mind’s eye cavorting with fairies and gnomes, costumed cats and mice. (I’m so sorry, dear!)

Another thing that seems like a dream to me, is the year I spent at Grinnell College, alongside your parents, when they were the age that you are now. On the one hand, it seems like yesterday, but it also feels like a unique time and place, never to be recaptured.

Since we didn’t carry cameras around, here are a couple sketch “snapshots” of your folks at twenty and twenty-one, that you saw once before (and liked, I think), some years back. —Just for fun, as a special birthday treat.

Iowa Bus Station

I drew the above during a transfer stop at an Iowa bus station late one night, when Carol and I  took “the dog” (the Greyhound bus) back home during a mid-term break. (That looks like a very fat book your mom is taking notes on, no?)

Caro Tuttle at Grinnell CollegeSometimes I would tag along when Carol would reserve a practice room on campus, to play on one of the Music Department’s oddly-black-key-deficient pianos. (Just kidding. For these sketchbook drawings, I never filled in details afterwards, but just drew what I saw in front of me until I ran out of time or steam. So, very often, chairs don’t have legs, people don’t have feet, rooms don’t have floors, etc..)

And here’s your handsome dad, Hannah, studying at Pinetree House, I think, the vegetarian food co-op where they lived off campus (like you are are doing now).

Gary Moseson at GrinnellWhile I may not have captured the best likenesses in these sketches, they preserve something for me that I still see when I look at your folks: They are still the wonderful, caring, hardworking & focused people they always were. (Hmm…not unlike their dear daughters, you and your sister.)

But enough with the images of people working and studying! Let’s sign off with an image of people frolicking—a reminder to go out and celebrate tonight (or soon): Here’s an old engraving of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, courtesy of Wikipedia, that I thought you might enjoy.

Engraving, Midsummer Night’s Dream

Queen of the FairiesAnd one more vintage image, this one of Titania, Queen of the Fairies—who would likely align with me in wanting to coax you out to have some fun today. But regardless of how you spend your birthday, dear niece, I hope you have a wonderful, magical day, and a bright and beautiful year ahead.

And even though the rest of my readers are not likely having birthdays today,  I wish you all the same: a wonderful day, followed by many more ahead. I hope everyone is getting through the heat wave OK, and finding shady bowers to frolic in—if not in their waking hours, than in their dreams. Happy Wednesday!

Posted in Birthdays | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

Happy Bastille Day!

Just a quick post today to wish our beloved Giselle, Charlotte’s French maid—and all of you—a festive Bastille Day. I was up late working last night, and nearly forgot all about the occasion, but fortunately the mice were on the case, and delivered a lovely sparkler-lit croissant to Mademoiselle early this morning, along with all our best wishes.

Happy Bastille Day

I also wanted to say “Merci!” to The Graphics Fairy, an angel company that provides artists and crafters with unique vintage clip art—both for the French flag postcard and the forget-me-nots that I’ve used to frame today’s doodle, but also, belatedly, for the American Flag Lady (below right) that I used for Charlotte’s costume in my recent Fourth of July post.

Images from Graphics Fairy

If you like beautiful old-timey images like this, do visit Karen’s site, where you can excavate additional treasures from her large archive via a keyword search—all scanned from her collection of ephemera and antique books, and available as a free high-resolution download. (Read more about her terms and copyright on her site.) I signed up for email notifications recently, and it’s been a great way to get a little extra daily inspiration, as Karen usually posts one or two new “treats” every day.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday, and is finding something to celebrate today, whether it’s Bastille Day, the weekend, or just the fact that Friday the 13th is safely behind us.

Au revoir until next time!

Posted in Holidays | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Priscilla Doodle Party

Today marks the third year that we’re having Mom’s birthday without her, Priscilla having passed away in May of 2010. But even though I still miss her terribly, it feels like a happy day to me—a chance to celebrate and remember. And for Priscilla’s cat Charlotte, it’s a chance to wear her giant “Mom & Me” locket, and a delicious birthday cake hat—Priscilla  “in her heart” and “on her mind.”

—As she is for me always…but especially today.

Priscilla Birthday Party

In Priscilla’s honor, I’m posting something a little different today, that I know she’d enjoy: some vintage monkey business by the late Jim Lunde, talented Chicago designer, prolific doodler, and her great, good friend. Lunde and Mom (before she was “Mom”), worked alongside each other at Container Corporation of America, under Albert Kner, in the late 1940s/early 1950s.

Here’s how the camera captured Mom at Container (left), and how Lunde did (at right).  —Like I needed to point out to you which was which. 😉

Priscilla Young at Container Corp of America

These wonderful (and sometimes wicked) little Lunde masterpieces—the ones Mom squirreled away, anyway—were mostly drawn on little scraps of paper that Lunde used to wipe his paintbrushes on as he was working—this being back in the day when graphic designers hand-lettered type. A little daub of paint would likely catch his eye and spark an idea — the way someone else might see a shape in a cloud formation that looked like a bunny, perhaps.

But in Lunde’s case it wasn’t bunnies, but birds, that he imagined, and which gave birth to many a character and visual pun, like this “shoebill stork” he doodled for Priscilla’s 24th birthday…a July 11th, 63 years ago.

Jim Lunde Birthday Doodle for Priscilla Young

Here are a couple of Lunde’s more flattering drawings of Mom—and a couple that aren’t. The caption on the second one from the left reads: “You look positively vibrating this morning. Did you sleep on your head?” —A reference not only to the vibration of green against magenta, but to a jarringly bad hair day Priscilla must have been having—I guess!


One almost has to see these drawings “in the flesh” though, to fully appreciate them and their inventiveness. (Which is what Mom was so charmed by, I think. —That, and their humor.)

Here’s one where Lunde has made a miniature Pris head on a photograph of an eye. The doodle is half an inch tall—I’ve included Lunde’s letterhead for scale, and at right, a blow-up of the pupil area so you can see the fine detail.

Portrait of Priscilla Inside of an Eye

Sometimes Lunde glued in little bits of things, like a dried flower petal, making the gown for the dancer at right.

Priscilla Young Tuttle Figures by Jim LundeSomewhere in her career as one of Lunde’s (many) doodle muses—no co-worker was safe, even the boss—Mom acquired the pet name “Pearl.” Was it because of her pearly whites? It seems entirely possible.

Priscilla Pearl Young by Jim LundeBelow is the only drawing in Mom’s treasure box where Lunde has drawn her as a human female. The joke seems to be, at five o’clock she leaves the office and is magically transformed from the strange Lunde-bird-creature she is at work, into someone with a neat hairdo and pressed clothes. —His admission, perhaps, that she’s more attractive than he portrays her as being? (What is it with those feet, though?)

Five PM Priscilla

Priscilla and Jim Lunde in HeavenJim Lunde passed away some years ago, but I like to think that he and Mom have reconnected and are sharing  a birthday toast tonight—maybe even have a peephole into cyberspace, so they can revisit his drawings, and reminisce about good times at Container. Or who knows: Maybe Lunde is still doodling…a Priscilla/Pearl angel-bird with a broken harp and clumsy footwear? (Maybe!)

Wherever you are, Mom, and whomever you’re with, here’s lookin’ at you! Lots of love on your birthday, and always. And thank you Mr. Lunde for your fabulous drawings…the delight they gave Mom, and  still give the rest of us. What can I say? Your genius lives on!

Meanwhile, greetings to all my friends on a Wednesday evening. Thanks for your kind patience between my (hardly daily) doodles, and hope life has been treating you well since we last visited. I’ll look forward to connecting again real soon. Meanwhile, many happy dreams, and all the best!


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